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Inventory Management

IM.007 Shipment of Blood Components/Products Accompanying a Patient

This resource is currently under revision and a new version will be available soon.

Revised 2018

IM.007F1 Inter-hospital Transfer Form – Blood Components/Products Accompanying a Patient

This resource is currently under revision and a new version will be available soon.

Revised 2018

IM.007F2 Shipment of Blood Components/Products Accompanying a Patient – Shipping Label

This resource is currently under revision and a new version will be available soon.

Revised 2018

IM.008 Issuing Rh Immune Globulin (RHIG)

Revised 2023

IM.010 Special Access Program Requests

Revised 2023

IM.011 Shipping Blood Components/Products Using MTS Shipping Containers

Revised 2023

IM.011F Materials/Devices Pre-Conditioning Log for Redistribution

Revised 2023

IM.012 Shipping Frozen Blood Components using J82 Shipping Containers SOP

Revised 2023

IM.013 Reporting Blood Products for Redistribution

Revised 2023