
Platelet Transfusion Toolkit

The Platelet Transfusion toolkit was developed on the basis of the findings from the 2017 Provincial Platelet audit and provides recommendations to assist in the screening of orders for, and […]

Platelet Tips for Inventory Management in Shortages (TIMS)

This document provides Transfusion Medicine information for the management of requests for platelets when ABO-identical platelets are not available and during inventory shortages.

ORBCoN Platelet Inventory Exchange Web Application

The Platelet Web application allows users to post short-dating platelets that are available for redistribution to another site and to view other sites’ available platelet inventory. To obtain a username […]

ORBCoN Platelet Inventory Exchange Web Application Quick Guide

Inventory Calculator for Platelets

A tool to calculate the estimate of the number of platelets used, on average, daily. This is helpful for sites that find it useful to hold platelet inventory on site and estimate the number of platelet doses to keep on hand. Platelet usage can vary quite a bit, therefore, this tool is only constructed to provide a starting point or to validate existing stock inventory levels.