Resources for video

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol: Principals of DCR Including Activation Criteria
Presented by Dr. Andrew Beckett, St. Michael’s Hospital April 30, 2021

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol: Quality Outcome (Tips on Monitoring)
Presented by Dr. Avery, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre April 30, 2021

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol: Research Opportunities
Presented by Dr. Donald M. Arnold, McMaster University April 30, 2021

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol: Standardized Lab Tests; Tests Required and Frequency
Presented by Dr. Luis Da Luz, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre April 30, 2021

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol: Temperature/Hypothermia
Presented by Dr. Bourke Tillmann, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre April 30, 2021

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol: Tips for MHP Implementation
Presented by Dr. Allison Collins, ORBCoN April 30, 2021

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol: Use of Simulation in Massive Hemorrhage Environment
Presented by Dr. Andrew Petrosoniak, St. Michael’s Hospital April 30, 2021

MHP: Nursing Care in Rural Care Settings
Tasha Vandervliet, RN, BScN
Selina Fleming, RN, BScN, MN

MLT Session – Interesting Serology Cases
Presented by Dr. C. Montemayor and Ms. S. Azizi-Moghadam -Canadian Blood Services, Ms. J. Tasnim -Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre & Dr. M. Laureano and Ms. E. Fraser -Trillium Health Partners
Ontario MHP: Guidance for small/remote hospitals
Dr. Jacob Pendergrast discusses the challenges of MHPs in smaller, more remote hospitals and provides guidance on appropriate modifications to the Ontario massive hemorrhage protocol. March 10, 2022