Resources for Physicians

Ontario’s First Recommendations for Massive Hemorrhage Protocol
Rescheduled event from May 1, 2020. Now being offered 100% virtual. Registration is now closed.
Patient Fact Sheet – Irradiated Blood
Version 3: Jan 2020-12
Patient Fact Sheets – Red Blood Cells (RBC) Antibodies
Version 3: 2020-12
Platelet Audit Report
The Provincial Platelet audit report provides results of the platelet audit conducted January 9- April 7, 2017 with 69 Ontario hospital participants.
Provincial Frozen Plasma/ Prothrombin Complex Concentrate Audit Report 2014
The Provincial Frozen Plasma (FP)/Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC) audit report provides results of the FP/PCC audit conducted in November 2014 with 51 Ontario hospital participants.

Provincial Massive Hemorrhage Toolkit
A comprehensive toolkit was developed to provide guidance for Ontario hospitals in the implementation of Ontario’s Recommendations for Massive Hemorrhage Protocol. The toolkit addresses select patient populations and differences in hospital sizes, resources and geographical challenges.
Released April 30, 2021
Resource Manual for Medical Directors of Transfusion Medicine Version 2
View or print full pdf by selecting download, or select by section using the list on the left of this page. This Resource Manual for Medical Directors of Transfusion Services […]
Retro posters to promote appropriate use of plasma/PCC
Posters with peel off/stick on backing. Place your transfusion laboratory contact information before posting. Use to promote appropriate use of plasma/PCC (references NAC recommendations).

Simulation MHP #1 Trauma Case
Massive Hemorrhage Protocol activation in an academic hospital setting Dr. Andrew Petrosoniak, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto