Needs Assessment Results: ORBCoN Bloody Easy Coagulation Simplified
Troy Thompson ORBCoN Program Manager
Dr. Rita Selby Hematologist & Medical Director, Coagulation Laboratories, University Health Network & Sunnybrook HSC, Bloody Easy Coagulation Author
The Bloody Easy Coagulation: Simplified handbook provides practical information on coagulation. It is designed to enhance the knowledge of physicians, nurses and medical laboratory technologists about the basics of coagulation from laboratory testing to anticoagulant drugs and management of bleeding disorders. ORBCoN has distributed over 15,000 handbooks to hospitals/facilities nationwide since Oct 2013 and had approximately 1000 views/downloads from our website annually.

In partnership with the Institute for Quality Management in Healthcare (IQMH), a needs assessment was conducted to gather information on the use of coagulation educational resources, especially the ORBCoN handbook, Bloody Easy: Coagulation Simplified (second edition) and its educational value to laboratory professionals in Ontario.
The following questions were added to the IQMH Proficiency Testing COAG-2308 survey.
A total of 178 laboratories participated in this survey. Results are shared below:
Question: How are the coagulation educational resources (e.g., published materials, online resources etc.) used in your laboratory? (Select all that apply*) (n=189)
*Multiple responses submitted

Question: Does your laboratory use Bloody Easy: Coagulation Simplified handbook / the online version? (n=184)

Question: Please indicate the ways in which you use ‘Bloody Easy: Coagulation Simplified (Select all that apply*) (n=121)
*Multiple responses submitted

Question: What do you like most about the current version? (Select all that apply*) (n=413)
*Multiple responses submitted

Question: How could the current edition be improved? (Please list up to 2)
Some of the suggested improvements:
- Add multimer gel results for Von Willebrand Factor
- Add case studies
- Explain how HIL interferes with testing
- Explain interference from prescription drugs
- Flow charts to evaluate abnormal coagulation tests
- Ways to assess competency
- Slightly larger print
- More details on treatments
The results of this needs assessment survey will be used to guide the revision process for the next version of the Bloody Easy: Coagulation Simplified Handbook.
We would like to thank all the participating laboratories for their responses to this survey. To order the Bloody Easy: Coagulation Simplified handbook or other ORBCoN resources please visit:
📣 Update Alert
Blood Transfusion: Information for Patients
Risks of Transfusion Table has been corrected in the Blood Transfusion: Information for Patients document. Please discard and replace any previous versions you may have with this version

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