New Online Reporting System for Redistribution of Plasma Protein and Related Products
By Tracy Cameron, MLT and Alison Wendt, MLT ORBCoN
The Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network (ORBCoN) and the Factor Concentrate Redistribution Program (FCRP) are very excited to announce that after many months of building and testing, the new online reporting system was launched on September 27th, 2021.
As mentioned in previous communications, this new online reporting system will streamline the reporting process for both ORBCoN/FCRP and the hospital users.
Here are some facts that will help you understand and be ready to report your near to expiring plasma protein and related products (PPRP) for your site.
How does our site report our near to expiring PPRP?
An email invitation will be sent out to all pre-defined main redistribution contacts every two months with a link. This link is unique to the hospital site and can be completed by the main contact of that site. The main contact can forward the email with the link to other designated staff at the same facility who can complete it on their behalf.

How often are we supposed to report our near to expiring PPRP?
An email invitation will be sent out every two months with the survey link to complete with your near to expiring PPRPs. A reminder email will be sent to those sites that have not completed the survey after one month.
What should hospitals report in the ORBCoN/FCRP Reporting System?
Hospitals are only required to report products that need to be redistributed. These are products that have 6 months left to expiry and/or will not be used by a patient. Hospitals are no longer required to report products that expired, were wasted or broken to ORBCoN / FCRP through this online reporting system. Hospitals are encouraged to report their expired, wasted and broken products to Canadian Blood Services (CBS) through the Blood Component and Product Disposition System
- If you know the near to expiring product will be used by a patient before expiry, please do not include this in your reporting. Only report those near to expiring products that will not be used.

Once you click on the Bi-Monthly Survey link you will have one to 3 forms to complete. The first form contains the prepopulated hospital demographics and fields where the submitter will enter information on who is completing the survey, date of completion and if there are or are not PPRPs to redistribute. The second form captures PPRPs that need to be redistributed, and the third form is the confirmation summary of PPRPs to be redistributed for the submitter to review for correctness before submitting.
Is there training material that I can review before I start to report our near to expiring products?
Yes, ORBCoN and FCRP have created a user guide and a narrated PowerPoint presentation to help guide you through the new online reporting system.
Will we still receive a list of what products will be expiring in the next 6 months?
No, you will now have to rely on your Laboratory Information System (LIS) expiry reports or physically check your inventory to identify those products expiring in the next 6 months and will not be issued to a patient before expiry.
If you have any questions in regards to the new reporting system please reach out to your ORBCoN Regional Project Coordinator or FCRP Coordinator or send an email to Transfusion Ontario.


ORBCoN’s Provincial Redistribution Toolkit
This toolkit features:
- Procedures for redistributing blood components and plasma protein and related products (PPRP)
- Validation Reports on the shipping containers used for redistribution of components and PPRP
- Packing configuration job aids for shipping containers used for redistribution of components and PPRP
And Much More