ORBCoN Launches New Learning Management System
By Troy Thompson, Regional Manager, ORBCoN
ORBCoN is pleased to announce the launch of a new Learning Management System (LMS) for our learning resources. We are excited to announce a partnership with Surge Learning Inc. intended to facilitate and further enhance the ease of access to relevant and valuable educational content for healthcare professionals related to transfusion medicine.
The Bloody Easy eLearning programs (Bloody Easy Blood Administration and Bloody Easy Lite) will be the first programs transitioned to our new platform; with the Bloody Easy Technologist assessment program being rebuilt and re-launched in the future.
The Learning Management System (LMS) makes it easy for your team to continue their online education and gain access to the resources they need while scheduling, tracking, and reporting on their progress.
More information regarding the new LMS and the registration process will be sent to each Ontario hospital. If you require any additional information please contact troy.thompson@sunnybrook.ca.
It is anticipated that these resources will augment your practice. Future endeavours include guidance via patient case analysis as well as developing neonatal and pediatric foci. Opportunities to enhance learning and optimize transfusion patient care are welcomed; please provide your feedback and suggestions (email transfusionontario@gmail.com).


University of Toronto Transfusion Medicine Rounds – September 23, 2021
September 23 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Albumin: Understanding the Controversy presented by Dr. Justyna Bartoszko