CMLTO Professional Development Activities
Effie Lau, BSc, MLT
Professional Coordinator – Quality Assurance, College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (CMLTO)
On January 1, 2021, the CMLTO launched its updated Quality Assurance Program (QAP) which includes the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Professional Portfolio. Practising registrants are required to maintain an up-to-date Professional Portfolio each year. All Practising registrants submit their Stage 1 Portfolio by March 31st of each year, and those randomly selected for audit must submit their Stage 2 Portfolio, including their Professional Development (PD) activities, for review by QAP staff by December 31st.
What can I claim for my PD hours?
As Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs), we all understand the importance of maintaining and enhancing our professional practice. Therefore, the CMLTO believes that PD occurs from any activity that advances an MLT’s knowledge, skill, or judgment to provide better, higher quality services within their practice setting. After you have completed an activity, you should ask yourself, “what did I learn and how can/could I apply these learnings in my MLT practice?” If you can clearly answer this question, the activity may be claimed in your Professional Portfolio.
How do I record my PD activities?
The PD section is found in the Stage 2 Professional Portfolio. There are three requirements:

In the Key Learnings section of each activity, you will record the answer to the question above, “what did I learn and how can I apply these learnings in my MLT practice?” For example, if you reviewed a transfusion guideline and it advanced your MLT knowledge, you may claim that activity. If the activity is linked to a goal, you record how it enabled you to advance your goal in the Impact on Practice section.
To assist MLTs, the CMLTO developed a Self-Directed PD Guideline on the maximum amount of hours that MLTs can claim for certain activities (here). If you have any questions about your Professional Portfolio, please contact the QAP department at 1-800-323-9627, extension 2, or by email at
Tech Assessment

The Bloody Easy Technologist Assessment program is available on the new ORBCoN Learning Management System (LMS) and Surge Learning platforms.
A communication will be coming with instructions to provide site administrator information for access to the ORBCoN LMS and guidance for current Surge Learning clients.
If you have any questions please reach out to
Featured Resources
Bloody Easy 5: RBC Pre-Transfusion Checklist

Patient Pamphlet: New Version

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December 15, 2022 @12pm-1pm
Running Big Data by Dr. Ruchika Goel
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