ORBCoN’s eLearning Resources- Helping to Meet Accreditation Requirements
Troy Thompson, ORBCoN Program Manager
Accreditation standards requires all facilities to have a formal competency assessment program for transfusion services that includes all “team” members, including prescribing physicians.
ORBCoN’s Learning Management System (LMS) was launched in September 2021 through collaboration with Surge Learning Inc. to help facilities meet the accreditation requirements for transfusion medicine. The ORBCoN LMS houses the Bloody Easy/ORBCoN eLearning resources that are available to facilities for their education and competency requirements. The Bloody Easy Lite (geared towards physicians), Bloody Easy Blood Administration (geared towards nursing) and the newly revised ORBCoN Technologist Assessment (geared towards Technologists) eLearning courses are all available on the LMS platform.
The LMS enables users to electronically document completion of any of our eLearning courses and has additional features including:
- A self-registration process for all users
- The ability to select multiple affiliations for both site administrators and registered users
- The ability to schedule completion dates for the eLearning courses based upon user roles
- Automated messaging for completion of courses based upon renewal duration (annually, biannually, etc.)
- Comprehensive reports for site administrators
Additionally, the Bloody Easy Lite and Bloody Easy Blood Administration eLearning courses are available for a facilities’ own internal LMS by uploading the SCORM compliant files. The SCORM files are available in versions 1.2 and 2004. **please note, those facilities that already use Surge Learning as their own internal LMS, will have the courses already available on this platform**
Many Ontario hospitals and educational facilities have registered to use the ORBCoN LMS or use the courses on their own LMS for their education and competency requirements.
If you have any questions or want to use the ORBCoN LMS or the SCORM compliant files for your educational needs, please contact troy.thompson@sunnybrook.ca

Featured Resource
New! Patient Pamphlet Video
We are thrilled to announce the release of our new video, which complements our “Blood Transfusion: Information for Patients” document. Our goal with these resources is to provide patients with basic information about transfusions of blood components and products.This document accompanied by a discussion with their healthcare provider, can help patients make an informed decision regarding their treatment options. The video and document are available in both English and French on our website.
We encourage you to take a look and share your feedback with us!

Implementation Survey
In 2018, ORBCoN asked that all Ontario hospitals with a transfusion service complete a survey to assess practice and policies when managing a massive hemorrhage situation. We invite you to review the results published in Injury here.
In the coming weeks, we will again be asking Ontario hospitals to complete a repeat survey to assess the implementation status of Ontario’s recommendations for Massive Hemorrhage Protocol (MHP), identify any barriers to implementation, determine possible gaps and assess any improvement in practice.

In 2018 we had 100% response rate to the baseline survey! Let’s keep the momentum going Ontario, great work is being done with your help to ensure massively hemorrhaging patients receive timely and standardized care to achieve the best possible outcomes. We ask for your cooperation in the completion of this second survey.
ORBCoN is holding a Fall symposium in Toronto and results of this provincial survey will be presented at this forum.

CSTM 2023: Early Bird Registration

Upcoming Events
CBS/ORBCoN Technical Dry Workshop

18th Annual TM Webconference

UofT TM Rounds

April 27, 2023 @12pm-1pm
Specialist in Transfusion Science Program presented by Dr. Gwen Clarke
Preparing the MLTs of Today for the Transfusion Medicine Lab of Tomorrow presented by Ms. Elizabeth Krok
Subscribe to UofT Transfusion Medicine Rounds mailing list to get registration details