Redistribution Summit 2023: Charting the Future Course for Ontario’s Redistribution Program Optimization through Collaborative Vision
Valérie Rhéaume, MLT
Project Coordinator for the Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network (ORBCoN)
An in-person meeting was held on December 11th, 2023 to discuss the Ontario redistribution program. This was a pivotal gathering that brought together key stakeholders from hospital laboratories primarily focusing on the collaboration between ORBCoN, FCRP, CBS and laboratories. The event aimed to address existing challenges, share insights, and strategize for future improvements for Ontario’s redistribution program.

Participants included 4 members from ORBCoN, 2 Ministry of Health representatives, 2 members of the FCRP program, a Hospital Liaison Specialist from CBS and 9 laboratory leaders that represented medium, regional, and large-sized hospitals that offer varying levels of transfusion medicine services. All participants were able to actively contribute to the discussions. Representatives from small-sized hospitals were invited, but none were unable to attend.
The summit featured five presentations, covering topics such a review of the FCRP program, a review of the results from the environmental scan survey, a review of the challenges encountered, the current redistribution processes for blood component and plasma protein and related products (PPRP), the challenges encountered with the redistribution program processes, as well as challenges with reporting and definitions of dispositions for blood components and PPRP from CBS. Round-table discussions with participants were facilitated by ORBCoN that focused on logistics and shipping container issues, troubleshooting the patient transfer process, and suggested improvements for the redistribution toolkit. The summit concluded with the identification of participants willing to form a provincial working group, signalling a commitment to collaboratively drive future improvements for Ontario’s redistribution program.

Key points that the group identified as next step deliverables were:
- Perform an in-depth review of the redistribution toolkit, incorporating suggestions to enhance the process for patient transfers and implementing standardized definitions for reporting disposition.
- The establishment of a dedicated working group tasked with the ongoing improvement of the redistribution processes, ready to address emerging challenges collaboratively.
This strategic approach would bolster the efficiency and effectiveness of the redistribution program to ensure successful redistribution in the province of Ontario.
The summit served as a platform for constructive discussions and collaborative problem-solving and was overall received as a success. One of our participant’s shared with us the following comment: “As always, very well done!” The active participation of diverse stakeholders ensured a comprehensive and inclusive approach towards addressing the challenges, and strategized on enhancing the redistribution program. Stay informed about the upcoming enhancements to our redistribution toolkit by visiting our website, following us on social media, or joining our annual site visits for an exclusive look at the exciting changes that will take place.
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