Bloody Easy Blood Administration eLearning course- 2 Year Anniversary!
Transfusionist Education and Competency Assessment: Bloody Easy
Troy Thompson- ORBCoN Program Manager and Donna Berta- ORBCoN Clinical Project Coordinator
The Canadian Transfusion Medicine standards mandate that all individuals performing activities related to blood transfusion participate in training and competency assessment programs1,2. The skills, theoretical and practical knowledge, essential to their role responsibilities must be addressed1,2. The Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network’s (ORBCoN) mission is “inspiring and facilitating best transfusion practices in Ontario”3.
The Bloody Easy Blood Administration eLearning course was re-developed/launched in December 2021. The course was developed to help hospitals with standards and accreditation requirements. Revisions to the BEBA eLearning module (figure 1) were based on principles of adult learning, recognizing transfusionists as mature learners with an abundance of prior learning experiences4,5. Module content is organized to align with the procedural steps for blood administration. Interactive activities are a strategic design element to inform learning (figure 2). The assessment quiz incorporates scenario-based questions and provides immediate explanation for the correct responses. For successful completion, 80 percent correct responses are required (multiple attempts are permitted). Expertise in clinical content and innovative use of software simulation tools supported the module development process. The material is reinforced by the BEBA handbook, a widely used clinical practice reference.
The BEBA eLearning module is available to Ontario facilities via ORBCoN’s Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) files and through a Canadian health care focused Learning Management System (LMS) provider. The LMS provider enables ORBCoN to independently track eLearning utilization, specifically aggregate assessment quiz responses. These outcome metrics will endorse ongoing appraisal of the module and identification of knowledge gaps to be addressed.

Since December 2021, the inaugural year, there has been significant uptake of the eLearning course. Approximately 41 facilities accessed the SCORM files for their site. Data from the LMS provider reported an additional 129 facilities (including 12 colleges/universities) and over 7500 individuals have utilized the module (figure 3).

List of hospitals (with permission) per “Pre-hospital site visit” survey results (as of Dec 7, 2023); not all hospitals participated in this survey.
The BEBA eLearning module was updated to reflect self-directed learning, current TM standards and best practices. There has been positive uptake of the module by hospitals as well as colleges and universities. Quiz outcome metrics will be analyzed to identify foci for further learning. The BEBA eLearning module serves to meets the mandate of the Canadian standards, while also informing clinical practice to enhance the safety of blood transfusion. The current eLearning module and quiz will be further revised in 2024/25.
- National Standard of Canada Canadian Standards Association (CA) Blood and blood components. Toronto ON; 2020 Mar 24; cited 2023 Mar 10. 162 p. Report No.: CAN/CSA-902:20. Available from:
- Canadian Society for Transfusion Medicine (CA) Standards for hospital transfusion services. Markham ON; 2021 Dec 1 [revised 2022 Dec cited 2023 Mar 10]. 114 p. Report No.: Version 5. Available from:
- Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network. About us [Internet]. [Place unknown]: Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network; 2006 [revised 2020 cited 2023 Mar 10]. Available from:
- Knowles MS. The modern practice of adult education: from pedagogy to andragogy. Rev. and updated. Wilton, Connecticut. Chicago: Association Press; 1980. 400 p.
- Hutchinson AM, Estabrooks CA. Educational theories. In: Straus SE, Tetroe J, Graham ID, editors. Knowledge translation in health care: moving from evidence to practice. 2nd ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley Blackwell BMJ Books; 2013. p. 298-307.
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