Home » ORBCoN Resources » Presentation Library » Transfusion Medicine Boot Camp for Nurses » 2023 To Transfuse Or Not To Transfuse For Patients Sickle Cell Disease

2023 To Transfuse Or Not To Transfuse For Patients Sickle Cell Disease

Jacob Pendergrast, MD, FRCPC
Karen Fleming, CNS, MN, MSHS


  • Review the conditions under which transfusions are a safe option for patients with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
  • Identify barriers to care for patients with SCD
  • Discuss transfusion complications such as aplastic crisis and hyperhemolysis
  • Appreciate the psychosocial, emotional, and physical impact of chronic conditions, such as Sickle Cell Disease, for racialized patients
2023 To Transfuse Or Not To Transfuse For Patients Sickle Cell Disease
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