Results of a Market Research Survey on Accessing ORBCoN Resources
Andrew Duyvestyn, Information Technology Analyst
Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network
This spring, ORBCoN conducted a market research survey to help ensure important resources and information continue to inform best practice in transfusion medicine in the Province of Ontario. We received 184 full responses containing valuable information; thank you to all those who participated. Below are some of the results from that survey.

Of the 184 full responses, the majority were technologists (61%) and nurses (22%), underscoring the need for us to reach other professional demographics in the transfusion medicine network.

Of those working in a field that involves transfusion medicine and safety, 33% indicated daily involvement in policies regarding Transfusion Medicine. Seventy percent (70%) indicated at least weekly involvement.

When asked to think about the format that respondents prefer to learn about transfusion medicine, they overwhelmingly indicated that they somewhat prefer or completely prefer digital resources and eLearning modules with 85% and 80%, respectively. Healthcare websites and live webcasts are trailing not far behind at 68% and 64%, respectively. Social media was the least preferred format with only 16% selecting somewhat prefer or completely prefer.

The top three reasons respondents had visited the website was to find a resource/toolkit related to transfusion (56% of respondents), to find information about an upcoming event (34% of respondents), and to find information about an eLearning program (25% of respondents).

When respondents were asked about their recent experiences on the website, the three statements they most agreed with were:
1. “I trust the ORBCoN website”
2. “I would refer a colleague to the ORBCoN website”
3. “I was able to find what I was looking for”
The statement they least agreed with was: “I liked the design of the website”.

When respondents were asked about the resources they accessed when visiting the website, the statement they most agreed with was: “The resources provided were reliable”. The statement they least agree with was: “The way resources were categorized made sense”.

Social media of all platforms were seen as largely unreliable. YouTube and LinkedIn were the most reliable with 30% and 17% of respondents indicating they find them somewhat or completely reliable, respectively.

We asked respondents on a scale from 1 to 10 how likely they would be to recommend the Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network to a colleague, and to our delight, 80% of respondents chose either 8, 9, or 10.
ORBCoN has taken the feedback from this market research and has started to apply some of the feedback to our resources. We will be looking at how our resources are categorized and will continue to offer as much digital engagement as possible.
Do any of these results spark questions or ideas? Join the conversation on LinkedIn or reach out to us at
Bonus: Quick Survey
Are you part of a hospital in ON that has added “Code Transfusion” to their hospital Emergency Codes (badge)? If so, can you share what colour you use or how you distinguish this from the other emergency codes i.e. code red?
UofT Monthly Transfusion Medicine Round

The University of Toronto Monthly Transfusion Medicine Rounds is held on the fourth Thursday of each month 1200-1300 EST. Each year there is a wide range of topics which provides continuing education opportunities for stakeholders in the field of Transfusion Medicine.
The 2022-2023 academic year will be a hybrid of virtual and onsite sessions. The onsite sessions will also have a virtual link available. The monthly communication will indicate the session platform and/ or location, registration link, speaker and topic.
Bloody Easy 5

Tech Asses

Tech Assess is a competency program which consists of a series of tests intended to provide Medical Laboratory Technologists in Ontario with a mechanism to assess and build on their technical and theoretical knowledge in Transfusion Medicine.
- Registration in ORBCoN eLearning portal
- Categorized into modules- different areas of subject matter
- Two levels of difficulty – Basic and Advanced
- Each question contains answers with rationale once the assessment is submitted.
- Retake test if you did not receive a passing grade
- Print Completion Certificate
- Supports hospitals in meeting compliance with required standards for competency assessment
Tech Assess Basic, Advanced and Dispensary Site will be launching Fall 2022.
Featured Resources
PPRP Resources
The Plasma Protein and Related Products (PPRP) online reporting system officially launched September 27, 2021 with a bi-monthly survey comprised of three sections:
1) Hospital Information
2) PPRP to Report for Redistribution and
3) Summary. The survey may be utilized to report products for redistribution. Disposition data is now reported to Canadian Blood Services.
There are two resources for training and/or refresher purposes:
- Redistribution Hospital User Guide: Plasma Protein and Related Products Redistribution Hospital User Guide

- Narrated PowerPoint: Plasma Protein and Related Products (PPRP) Online Reporting Training Video

For questions or concerns please contact one of your ORBCoN or FCRP coordinators.
Upcoming Events
Transfusion Medicine Boot Camp for Nurses

Upcoming UofT TM Round

October 27, 2022 @12pm-1pm
The EPIC Experience
Mr. Michael Angers
Dr. Christine Cserti-Gazdewich
Dr. Michelle Zeller
Onsite and Virtual TGH Medical Education Room 025/026