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Learning Management System

The ORBCoN Learning Management System (LMS) runs on the Surge Learning platform. The LMS provides your team/facility with resources and tools they need to continue to provide safe and appropriate blood transfusions. The LMS currently houses the Bloody Easy Blood Administration and Bloody Easy Lite eLearning courses. If your facility would like to have access to the ORBCoN LMS for ongoing education and competency relating to blood transfusions please contact troy.thompson@sunnybrook.ca. (currently access to the ORBCoN LMS is limited to facilities in Ontario)


The ORBCoN Learning Management System (LMS) provides Transfusion Medicine related eLearning resources for Ontario facilities. The LMS has a self-registration process so that “learners/users” can register for LMS access; login credentials will be sent via email to enable users to login to the LMS. Each eLearning course has post-assessment questions related to the eLearning content. Users must achieve a minimum of 80% on the post-assessment questions. Multiple attempts of the post-assessment questions is allowed. Upon successful completion of an eLearning course, the user will receive a “certificate of completion” and the LMS will also log the successful completion in the LMS records for your site specific administrator.

Educators/Site Administrators

The ORBCoN LMS provides both high-level summaries and detailed reports that display progress and completion rates for your facility. With analytics available when you need them, you can easily measure your facilities’ overall completion and development. Site administrators can provide “users” with the self-registration link to have their users register instead of entering each user’s information. Site administrators can be linked to multiple affiliations so that they have access to all of their facilities with one account. More information regarding the functionality of the LMS can be found in the User Guide section.

User guides

Coming soon…


  • Does the ORBCoN LMS cost money?
    The ORBCoN Learning Management System (LMS) if free of charge to facilities with Ontario.
  • Do I need to have a site administrator registered?
    The ORBCoN LMS requires a “site administrator/education coordinator” at each facility to help facilitate the participation/completion of the eLearning content within each facility. The ORBCoN LMS houses the Bloody Easy Lite, Bloody Easy Blood Administration and Bloody Easy Technologist Assessment programs. (coming soon!) The ORBCoN LMS has a self-registration process for “users”; upon registering for the LMS, login credentials for the LMS will be sent via email.
  • Can I use my own LMS?
    If you have your own Learning Management System (LMS) at your facility you can download the SCORM compliant files for both the Bloody Easy Blood Administration and the BLoody Easy Lite eLearning courses.

Contact us

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