University of Toronto Transfusion Medicine Rounds – September 23, 2021
Albumin: Understanding the Controversy presented by Dr. Justyna Bartoszko
Albumin: Understanding the Controversy presented by Dr. Justyna Bartoszko
Detectives at Work: A Half Day of Case StudiesThere will be a minimal cost of $20 for the event this year and all attendees will be entered into a draw for a CSTM membership!!!Once you are registered a link to the Zoom event will be sent September 29th
Machine Learning in Transfusion Medicine presented by Dr. Waseem Anani
Use of plasma and platelets prior to interventional radiology procedures: The times, they are a-changin presented by Dr. Alexandre Menard
Teaching Cases from the Immunohematology Reference Lab presented by Ms. Minda Agpalo, Dr. Waseem Anani, Dr. Celina Montemayor
Sexual behaviour based screening criteria - the what, why and how? Presented by Dr. Aditi Khandelwal
Using Blood Wisely: Progress at 18 months presented by Dr. Yulia Lin
Dr. Jacob Pendergrast, Associate Medical Director, University Health Network
RhIG administration in early Pregnancy Now and Moving Forward presented by Dr. Dustin Costescu
This workshop will focus on mixed field reactions, Variant D, C, E and Rh Null types and handling possible massive bleeding with these types of patients.
Managing the Bleed: Practices Physicians Should Know