Massive Hemorrhage Protocol (MHP) Quality Metrics Portal/Dashboard
Troy Thompson, ORBCoN Program Manager
ORBCoN is pleased to announce the launch of a MHP Quality Metrics Portal for reporting of hospital MHP quality metrics. In 2019, Ontario’s first recommendations for massive hemorrhage protocol was published (Callum et al. CMAJO) which included a statement recommending 8 quality metrics be tracked on all protocol activations and data reviewed quarterly at the hospital level. Table 1 shows the 8 recommended quality metrics. (Q5 was subsequently split into two different quality metrics). This dashboard has been validated in 15 hospitals across Ontario who entered data on MHPs from 2019 to present.
This portal/dashboard will provide hospitals with an efficient way to capture quality metrics data as well as provide a convenient auto-generated report for review at hospital transfusion committees, quality committees and/or Medical Advisory Committees

The reporting of quality metrics promotes improvement and increases transparency within the healthcare system. Standardized quality metrics have been developed for the Provincial Massive Hemorrhage Protocol to help assess and improve specific activities over time at individual hospitals. Quarterly provincial reports will allow for peer benchmarking. A “dashboard” has been developed and reports can be generated for your hospitals use. This ‘dashboard’ is interactive, you can select specific criteria to view your site specific data summarized (see example below).

Each Ontario hospital will need to determine where the data for the metrics is housed within their facility and who will be responsible for gathering and entering the data. It may be useful to discuss this with your Transfusion Committee and/or your Medical Advisory Committee. Not all data can be accessed or captured from the Transfusion Medicine Laboratory Information System (LIS) and may require access to other sources of data and/or chart review.

To begin using the portal please contact the Central ORBCoN office to have you set up and provide you guides to aid in the data entry process. It is recommended to have one dedicated person at your facility to enter the quality metrics data. For any additional information, please contact the Central ORBCoN office at

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January 25, 2023 @12pm-1pm
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