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2023 Ontario Bedside Audit of Blood Administration Report

This report details the findings of the 2023 bedside audit of blood administration.

IG Utilization Updates At A Glance

Intravenous albumin for pediatric and adult patients

Whole Blood, Leukocytes Reduced Recommendations

This document provides recommendations for the introduction of Whole Blood, Leukocytes Reduced for non-military use in Canada, to ensure equitable access and use to a finite resource.

Informed Consent: Information for Patient Dialogue

Transfusion adverse events or risks can be characterized as: common but not life threatening, serious
and life threatening requiring some prevention/treatment measures, and rare with life altering effects.
A synopsis is provided in the table below (for inclusive transfusion risk details, refer to
Bloody Easy Blood Administration version 3 , pages 118-9).

Transfusion Medicine Boot Camp for Nurses Presentations

Each year (beginning in 2018) ORBCoN hosts a nursing event entitled: Transfusion Medicine Boot Camp for Nurses. This link provides access to the slides from these events, provided the presenters have given their permission.

University of Toronto Transfusion Medicine Rounds

Each month ORBCoN hosts a event entitled: University of Toronto Transfusion Medicine Rounds. This link provides access to the slides and recordings from these events, provided the presenters have given their permission.

Transfusionists Talks Presentations

Each year (since 2023) in March, June, and September ORBCoN hosts Transfusionists Talk, Transfusion Made Bloody Easy. This link provides access to the slides and recordings.