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Patient Fact Sheets

Patient Fact Sheets – Red Blood Cells (RBC) Antibodies

Version 3: Jan 2021

Patient Fact Sheet – Weak or Partial D (Rh) Type

Version 3: Jan 2021

Answers About Rh Immune Globulin

Patient Fact Sheet – IgA Deficient

Version3: Jan 2021

Patient Fact Sheet – Irradiated Blood

Version 3: Jan 2021

Patient Fact Sheet – Washed Blood

Version 3: Jan2021

Patient Fact Sheet – Platelet Antibodies

Version3: Jan 2021

Fact Sheet for IVIG Outpatients

A brief fact sheet for outpatients that help them to understand the risks, benefits and possible side effects of receiving Intravenous Immune Globulin. Version 2.0 October 31, 2015.