Bloody Easy Blood Administration (BEBA)

BEBA resources provide evidence informed, best practice guidance for transfusing blood safely.


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Supplementary Resources

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Learning Management System (LMS)

The ORBCoN Learning Management System (LMS) runs on the Surge Learning platform. The LMS provides your team/facility with resources and tools they need to continue to provide safe and appropriate blood transfusions. The LMS currently houses the Bloody Easy Blood Administration, Bloody Easy Lite, and ORBCoN Tech Assess (Advanced, Basic, Dispensary Site) eLearning courses. If your facility would like to have access to the ORBCoN LMS for ongoing education and competency relating to blood transfusions please contact (currently access to the ORBCoN LMS is limited to facilities in Ontario)

For learners and educators

Register for ORBCoN LMS

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For your hospital/institute LMS

SCORM Files for LMS

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Please fill out and submit the contact form below for any questions/comments.