Resources for video
Data Report Template
Introduction: 0:00-1:16Viewing and Exporting Data: 1:16-5:27Inputting Data to the Template: 5:27-8:11Saving the File: 8:11-8:53Template Structure Overview: 8:53-10:31Detailed Template Tab Walkthrough/Examples: Conclusion: 25:50-26:39

Fetal maternal hemorrhage testing: the why, how & when
Fetal maternal hemorrhage testing: the why, how & when presentation by Heather VanderMeulen, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Transfusion Medicine Fellow Canadian Blood Services
May 25, 2022

First Trimester Anti-D Prophylaxis
First Trimester Anti-D Prophylaxis presentation by Dr. Susan Ellis
May 25, 2022

FP Analysis, START Study Results
Presented by Dr. Aditi Khandelwal and Ms. Amie Kron, March 25, 2021
Implementing Pathogen Inactivated Platelets
Here’s one hospital’s experience with implementing the new pathogen reduced pooled platelet component
Information on Pathogen Reduced Pooled Platelets: Presentation
A PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Jeannie Callum on Pathogen Reduced Pooled Platelets

Les transfusions sanguines : Renseignements destinés aux patients
Révisé: février 2024
La vidéo commentée comprend les mêmes informations que le document Transfusion sanguine : Information pour les patients. Il est accessible en anglais ou en français et comprend un sous-titrage.

Machine Learning in Transfusion Medicine
Presented by Dr. Waseem Anani, October 28, 2021

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol: Blood Products (TXA, Fibrinogen, PCC) Substitutions
Presented by Dr. Michelle Sholzberg, St. Michael’s Hospital April 30,2021