21st NATA Symposium on Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis

Global virtual event

The Annual NATA Symposium attracts a wide international and multidisciplinary audience from more than 40 countries. The scientific programme covers a wide range of topics related to anaemia, patient blood management (PBM), critical bleeding and thrombosis.

CBS/ORBCoN Wet Workshop Review Session

Please join us to review the results of the workshop cases presented by CBS and ORBCoN! There will be 3 sessions offered starting at 11 am, 1pm and 2pm. The […]

16th Annual TM Education Web Conference

GAME, SET, MATCH:  FINDING BLOOD FOR DIFFICULT TO MATCH PATIENTSSession #1:April 14, 20219am – 12pmSession #2:April 14, 20211pm – 4pmModerator Documents PosterPamphletQuestion FormSign in Sheet TemplateSchedule09:00 - 9:1513:00 - 13:15 […]