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June 2021

New Provincial Redistribution Program for Plasma Protein Products Online Reporting System

Alison Wendt, MLT Regional Project Coordinator ORBCoN CE Region

The Plasma Protein Product (PPP) portion of the provincial redistribution program is a partnership between the Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network (ORBCoN) and the Factor Concentrate Redistribution Program (FCRP). The program requests hospitals to identify near to expiring products or products they know they will not use and facilitates their redistribution.

The current process which is time and resource intensive, relying on manual data entry processes, was evaluated to identify where it could be improved to create a more user friendly, efficient process for both ORBCoN / FCRP and the hospital users. Based on recommendations, an online reporting system was developed using Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) to streamline the process for both hospital users and ORBCoN /FCRP staff. A complimentary interface platform was added to allow data upload and analysis. The process flow of the online reporting is shown in Figure 1 where differences are noted from manual reporting in the first five steps.

Figure 1: PPP Online Reporting Process

REDCap will be used to distribute a bi-monthly invitation email with a unique survey link to all hospitals participating in the redistribution program. The PPP Bi-monthly survey is comprised of three sections:

  1. Hospital Information;
  2. PPP to Report for Redistribution; and
  3. Summary.

The link is not to be shared as it is unique to each hospital and includes populated facility specific information. Hospital users will be able to report PPPs for redistribution in Section 2 of the survey with the ease of a dropdown selection “Product List” and a field for entering the number of vials to redistribute. The form is saved once completed by the user and the process repeated for each PPP to be reported, see Figure 2.

Upon completion of PPP data entry the user will have the opportunity to review all reported PPPs in Section 3 “Summary” which displays the PPP name, lot number, expiry and number of vials. Once submitted, a summary in PDF format will be sent via email for the hospital user’s record, as shown below in Figure 3.

Figure 2: Section 2 of survey for reporting PPPs to be redistributed

Figure 3: Email summary of reported PPPs to be redistributed

ORBCoN/FCRP will identify PPP eligible for redistribution in the interface and/or REDCap and contact potential hospital users, facilitate redistribution and cover courier costs where necessary. Once a product is redistributed, ORBCoN/FCRP can track and document information in the PPP redistribution module.  Each PPP redistributed record will include calculations for both product and courier cost.

The online reporting is currently in pilot stage with stakeholders testing functionality and ease of use. Feedback from pilot participants will be used to improve the online reporting process.

A Plasma Protein Product (PPP) Redistribution Hospital User Guide has been developed which includes instructions and screenshots for data entry. This will be available to all hospitals.

ORBCoN / FCRP is looking forward to the fall rollout of the online reporting system. A provincial communication will be distributed with the date; however, we are targeting to launch in September 2021. A training module will be developed, if needed, based on pilot feedback to supplement the Plasma Protein Product (PPP) Redistribution Hospital User Guide.

If you have any questions regarding the new process please contact your ORBCoN coordinator or email us at transfusionontario@gmail.com.

June 17th: CONCOR-1: Lessons learned from launching a trial during a pandemic presented by Dr. Jeannie Callum

Update on the ORBCoN Provincial Redistribution Toolkit

Tracy Cameron, MLT Regional Project Coordinator ORBCoN NE Region

In 2017 ORBCoN launched the revised Provincial Redistribution Program for Transfusion Services in Ontario Toolkit. This toolkit included templates to help in the redistribution of blood components and products as well as transferring blood with a patient. In keeping with ORBCoN’s resource review plan it was reviewed and revised in the 2020/21 fiscal year. The revisions help to ensure that lab staff follow established, validated procedures for packing components and products and to ensure the relevant standards and accreditation requirements for shipping components and products between facilities (either for redistribution or transferring with a patient) are met.

The Provincial redistribution program facilitates hospitals sending near to expiring blood components and products, that are unlikely to use before expiration to other sites where they may be utilized. This helps to reduce wastage of blood components and products and helps ensure they are available to patients that require them. Figure 1 highlights the number of products redistributed and the associated cost savings for FY 2017-19.

Figure 1: Cost Savings Estimation with Redistribution of Blood Components and Products in Ontario

Figure 2: Tools included in the Provincial Redistribution toolkit

What’s in the toolkit?

Tools for reviewing inventory stock i.e. setting target inventory levels based upon actual historical utilization
 Information for inclusion of established couriers between hospitals to facilitate redistribution and the process verification of redistributing with these couriers
Tools to help ensure responsibilities are outlined and standard operating procedures are followed
Update procedures for redistributing, sending components with patients and reporting for redistribution
Tools to help staff become more confident in shipping components and products
      Information on how we provide annual data on the performance of the shipping containers used for shipping blood between facilities

Figure 2 lists just a few of the tools that are available in the updated toolkit.

We encourage all staff working in Transfusion Medicine and involved in the packing and shipping of blood components and products between facilities (including with a patient) to review the tools in this toolkit and adjust their processes and procedures as applicable. The full toolkit can be found on our website under Inventory Management.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding redistribution or shipping blood with a patient, please email us at  transfusionontario@gmail.com.